Monday, July 25, 2011

Orgonite Meditation Palm Pieces

Meditation Palm Piece

Often times during meditation I would like to have with me a different combination of items during my meditation sessions. These items would often be a piece of orgonite, a crystal, selenite blades and or kyanite blades. It was rather a clumsy combination and would often be a distraction rather than an aid. 

I was at the drug store picking up some medicine for a family member and while walking out I saw these small glass containers out of the corner of my eye. I didn't even stop but I kept thinking about them all night for some reason. The next day I was attempting to do a mediation session with my combination of materials, some in my palm, some on various body parts. After a few attempts and having to readjust certain items a couple times, I just went back to a crystal in my palm. 

After the session, those small glass containers came back to my thoughts. Then bingo, I knew I had to go get them. After getting them home I though all night on the construction of the perfect mediation palm pieces. The next day the Mediation palm pieces were born.

I made the design with three layers. The number three has been heavy on my mind prior to the creation of these pieces and it so happens that the number three is a Fibonacci number.

The first layer is made of a combination of Real 24K goldReal %99.9 pure silver, finely cut aluminum and crushed quartz crystal.

The second layer contains a double terminated tibetan quartz crystal. The crystal has a blue kyanite blade on one side and a selenite blade on its other side. There is the Fibonacci number three again. The metal content of layer three is all aluminum.

The third layer contains forged steel.

During the curing process each piece was exposed to Solfeggio Tones

Embedded into the bottom of the palm piece I placed a hand made egyptian ankh made from copper.

For more detailed information goto my website:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Orgonite pendant with copper spiral - Real gold and silver!

Orgonite pendant with copper spiral

I have for you hear a nice compact orgonite pendant with a copper spiral coil that is embedded in a matrix of real 24k gold%99.9 pure silver, crushed tibetan quartz crystal, crushed blue kyanite, crushed selenite, forged steel shavings and aluminum. The clasp is made out of copper and is embedded in the orgonite matrix. 

Visit my site for more detailed information

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mini Tower Busters (TB)


I just started making mini tower busters. These are easy to hide in places where you need discretion. They are wonderful to grid your home, place on all your electrical devices to eliminate the POR.

Here is a link to my site for more detailed information:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

UFO Design Holy Hand Grenade (HHG)

My holy hand grenades (HHG) are a perfect orgone field generator for your home, office or garden. HHG'S are also know for canceling out negative energies from cell phone towers, power lines and other EMF radiators. 

This is a special UFO shape HHG containing real 24K gold and 99.9% pure silver!

My HHG'S contain 5 double terminated tibetan quartz crystals (One larger crystal for the point and 4 smaller crystals at compass points. ) also contains a SBB Coil over magnets at each compass point, a selenite and kyanite blade. 

The metal shavings are forged iron

This piece weighs 1.32 lbs.

Selenite blades will cleanse any negative energies and keep the quartz crystals charged and energized. Selenite is also know for the following as well:

  • Psychic awareness and development
  • Channeling
  • Awareness of past lives
  • Improved concentration
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Acesss to ones personal power
Blue Kyanite blades are added because kyanite is one of the few healing gems that never need to be cleaned or cleared on a energy level. It is very helpful in aligning all the Chackras and if your direct consciously it can also open the chakras.

Kyanite is also know for the following properties:
  • A tranquilizing and powerful transmitter of high frequency energies.
  • Stimulating psychic abilities and intuition
  • Also know to be a gateway to the spiritual worlds
  • Instills compassion
  • Facilitates the memory of dreams 
  • Enhances the distinction of the subconscious 
  • It is a natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure and heals infections
SBB coil - The SBB coil was derived from a crop circle formation and is found to be able to amplify and direct energy flows. When positioned clockwise the energy flows away from you. When positioned counterclockwise the energies flow towards you.


Friday, July 8, 2011

New web site online

I now have my new website online which you can find at

Stop in and take a look around. The cart is online. Tell me what you think and give me some ideas.

Orgonite BBS going up next.