Calea zacatechichi tincture "Lucid Dreaming Tincture"
This tincture is to aid those who are pursuing "Lucid Dreaming" or "Divinatory Dreaming".
1 Oz. In amber bottle.
This tincture is handcrafted from the freshest organic Calea Zacatechichi which is extracted into 100 proof consumable alcohol. The batch was started on the first full moon and during the extraction process was sat on top of my "5th pentacle of solomon orgonite charging plate". This particular charging plates powerful pentacle hath great power. It serveth for assured visions. Jacob being armed with this pentacle beheld the ladder which reached unto heaven. Great for use with the astral realm. Also during the extraction process the container was topped with a second orgonite charging plate. The top orgonite charging plate which is my "protective pentacle of solomon charging plate" which protects from all dangers and evil spirits. The tincture batch was then harvested on the next full moon.
Calea zacatechichi "More information"
Calea zacatechichi is a plant native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and is still used by the Cho ntal Indians o f Mexico to o btain divinato ry m essages during dream ing. A t hum an do ses, dried leaf material and o rganic extracts o f the plant pro duce the EEG and behavio ral signs o f so m no lence, and has been shown to induce a light sleep in cats. In hum an healthy vo lunteers, lo w do ses o f the extracts adm inistered in a do uble-blind design against placebo increased reactio n tim e end tim e-lapse estim atio n. A co ntro lled nap sleep study in the sam e vo lunteers sho wed that Calea extracts increased the superficial stages o f sleep which are critical for states of lucid dreaming, also known as the Theta state. In fact, it is believed that lucid dreaming happens when one half of the human brain is in Theta (dreaming) state, and the other is in Delta (deep sleep). The subjective repo rts o f dream s were significantly higher than bo th placebo and diazepam , indicating an increase in hypnago gic im agery o ccurring during superficial sleep stages.
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