Saturday, January 22, 2011

Starting the Hemi-Sync series + Boxed Nirvana

Last night I was very restless again while trying to concentrate. However I was able to make it through Phase 1 - Track 2 and Track 3 completely. Nothing unusual happened there was some images all abstract.

Last night I downloaded another program that I found a link to on a forum.  It is called "Boxed Nirvana" and is a auditory signal inducement type file. It claims to help balance the chakras and induce OOBE. This morning when I awoke I let the dog out and went back to the bed. I put on my headphones and tried this new Boxed Nirvana track. It is about and hour long and I listened to it almost all the way through. I turned it off about 10 minutes early I believe. While listening to it I felt very relaxed and did have interesting visual experiences. White formless blobs appeared and disappeared promptly.

After turning off the recording I decided to just lye on my side and relax and see if I could achieve anything. After a bit I started seeing several things in my mind. I remember someone opening a big window and I felt like I was to go through it but did not. I remember seeing several smaller movie screens or maybe large canvases that did not have anything on them that I could recall. There where a few more scenes that occurred but I cannot recall them right now. A little bit later the last I remember was viewing a bowl or cup that was up higher and I remember it started falling and suddenly my body jerked violently and then I just sat up in my bed after that. I never fell asleep during these events I was completely aware.

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