Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have recently updated my orgonite communities forum groups to include the following new topics. Please come and join the community and contribute.

Astral Projection & out of body experiences (OOBE) - Talking and discussing techniques, tips and experiences on astral projecting. Click to view

Lucid Dreaming - Discussions about lucid dream along with experiences. Click to view

Psychic & Paranormal - Discussing everything psychic and paranormal. Click to view

Orgonite - Discussing everything with orgonite from construction to uses and experiences. Click to view

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Orgonite community

I wanted to announce that I have made available an online community for those who want to discuss topics such asa orgonite, chemtrails, meditation, fluoridation, lucid dreaming and other topics of interest. It is by me and it is free.

Please come and create your free profile and contribute to spreading love and light!

Calea Zacatechichi - Lucid Dreaming Tincture

Calea zacatechichi tincture "Lucid Dreaming Tincture"

This tincture is to aid those who are pursuing "Lucid Dreaming" or "Divinatory Dreaming". 

1 Oz. In amber bottle.

This tincture is handcrafted from the freshest organic Calea Zacatechichi which is extracted into 100 proof consumable alcohol. The batch was started on the first full moon and during the extraction process was sat on top of my  "5th pentacle of solomon orgonite charging plate". This particular charging plates powerful pentacle hath great power. It serveth for assured visions. Jacob being armed with this pentacle beheld the ladder which reached unto heaven. Great for use with the astral realm. Also during the extraction process the container was topped with a second orgonite charging plate. The top orgonite charging plate which is my "protective pentacle of solomon charging plate" which protects from all dangers and evil spirits. The tincture batch was then harvested on the next full moon.

Calea zacatechichi "More information"

Dream Herb is an all natural oneirogenic herb, meaning it is an herb that promotes sleep and induces lucid dream states.

Calea zacatechichi is a plant native to Oaxaca, Mexico, and is still used by the Chontal Indians of Mexico to obtain divinatory messages during dreaming. At human doses, dried leaf material and organic extracts of the plant produce the EEG and behavioral signs of somnolence, and has been shown to induce a light sleep in cats. In human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation. A controlled nap sleep study in the same volunteers showed that Calea extracts increased the superficial stages of sleep which are critical for states of lucid dreaming, also known as the Theta state.  In fact, it is believed that lucid dreaming happens when one half of the human brain is in Theta (dreaming) state, and the other is in Delta (deep sleep).  The subjective reports of dreams were significantly higher than both placebo and diazepam, indicating an increase in hypnagogic imagery occurring during superficial sleep stages.


Click here to find out more about this tincture

Monday, July 25, 2011

Orgonite Meditation Palm Pieces

Meditation Palm Piece

Often times during meditation I would like to have with me a different combination of items during my meditation sessions. These items would often be a piece of orgonite, a crystal, selenite blades and or kyanite blades. It was rather a clumsy combination and would often be a distraction rather than an aid. 

I was at the drug store picking up some medicine for a family member and while walking out I saw these small glass containers out of the corner of my eye. I didn't even stop but I kept thinking about them all night for some reason. The next day I was attempting to do a mediation session with my combination of materials, some in my palm, some on various body parts. After a few attempts and having to readjust certain items a couple times, I just went back to a crystal in my palm. 

After the session, those small glass containers came back to my thoughts. Then bingo, I knew I had to go get them. After getting them home I though all night on the construction of the perfect mediation palm pieces. The next day the Mediation palm pieces were born.

I made the design with three layers. The number three has been heavy on my mind prior to the creation of these pieces and it so happens that the number three is a Fibonacci number.

The first layer is made of a combination of Real 24K goldReal %99.9 pure silver, finely cut aluminum and crushed quartz crystal.

The second layer contains a double terminated tibetan quartz crystal. The crystal has a blue kyanite blade on one side and a selenite blade on its other side. There is the Fibonacci number three again. The metal content of layer three is all aluminum.

The third layer contains forged steel.

During the curing process each piece was exposed to Solfeggio Tones

Embedded into the bottom of the palm piece I placed a hand made egyptian ankh made from copper.

For more detailed information goto my website:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Orgonite pendant with copper spiral - Real gold and silver!

Orgonite pendant with copper spiral

I have for you hear a nice compact orgonite pendant with a copper spiral coil that is embedded in a matrix of real 24k gold%99.9 pure silver, crushed tibetan quartz crystal, crushed blue kyanite, crushed selenite, forged steel shavings and aluminum. The clasp is made out of copper and is embedded in the orgonite matrix. 

Visit my site for more detailed information

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mini Tower Busters (TB)


I just started making mini tower busters. These are easy to hide in places where you need discretion. They are wonderful to grid your home, place on all your electrical devices to eliminate the POR.

Here is a link to my site for more detailed information:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

UFO Design Holy Hand Grenade (HHG)

My holy hand grenades (HHG) are a perfect orgone field generator for your home, office or garden. HHG'S are also know for canceling out negative energies from cell phone towers, power lines and other EMF radiators. 

This is a special UFO shape HHG containing real 24K gold and 99.9% pure silver!

My HHG'S contain 5 double terminated tibetan quartz crystals (One larger crystal for the point and 4 smaller crystals at compass points. ) also contains a SBB Coil over magnets at each compass point, a selenite and kyanite blade. 

The metal shavings are forged iron

This piece weighs 1.32 lbs.

Selenite blades will cleanse any negative energies and keep the quartz crystals charged and energized. Selenite is also know for the following as well:

  • Psychic awareness and development
  • Channeling
  • Awareness of past lives
  • Improved concentration
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Acesss to ones personal power
Blue Kyanite blades are added because kyanite is one of the few healing gems that never need to be cleaned or cleared on a energy level. It is very helpful in aligning all the Chackras and if your direct consciously it can also open the chakras.

Kyanite is also know for the following properties:
  • A tranquilizing and powerful transmitter of high frequency energies.
  • Stimulating psychic abilities and intuition
  • Also know to be a gateway to the spiritual worlds
  • Instills compassion
  • Facilitates the memory of dreams 
  • Enhances the distinction of the subconscious 
  • It is a natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure and heals infections
SBB coil - The SBB coil was derived from a crop circle formation and is found to be able to amplify and direct energy flows. When positioned clockwise the energy flows away from you. When positioned counterclockwise the energies flow towards you.


Friday, July 8, 2011

New web site online

I now have my new website online which you can find at

Stop in and take a look around. The cart is online. Tell me what you think and give me some ideas.

Orgonite BBS going up next.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Free pocket orgonite pieces

I want to get peoples feedback and reactions with my new pocket orgonite pieces. So I want to sent you some free and hear what you think.

These are nice little orgonite pieces that fit perfectly into your hand and they are also great for carrying in your pocket. Each piece contains aluminum shavings, iron bbs at the top end and a nice double terminated tibetan quartz crystal in the center. During the curing process eachpiece was exposed to the sacred geometry sounds.

Goto my website for more information

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My new portable powered sucker punch is completed!

My first orgonite device!

This is a portable personal powered succor punch v1 that I have been working on. It contains a double terminated tibetan quartz crystal which is wrapped in a double mobius coil and embedded in an orgonite matrix of aluminum shavings, powdered crystal, small crystal chunks, steel BB's, and a lattice of copper wire. The electronics is a 555 circuit pulsing a square wave variable frequency into the mobius. This circuit have to variable settings which is selectable by a toggle switch. The range of settable frequencies are from 6.4 HZ to .474 KHZ. This unit is powered by a 9V battery.

I have more photos, videos and information on my new website I will have more orgonite projects to post about.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HemiSync - gateway experience - wave two "problem solving"

I know it has been awhile since my last post but we have a new baby in the house and rarely do I get time for meditation lately. I have been spending most of my free time researching something I have felt I am being "called to". Crystals and orgonite.

There will be more on crystals and orgnnite once I complete my first string of research and experiment.

In the mean time today I found some time to do some meditation and I started with the first track on wave two introduction to focus 12 and at the end I felt like just lying there and letting the next track play. I didn't know which track it was but I was in the zone and didn't really care.

The next track played and it was the problem solving track of wave two, which I never listened to before. But when it came two the part that said ask your question or problem the first thing that popped into my head was, " how can I become financially independent in order to promote and develop my research into the crystal and orgonite technology I am working on. " so I asked it.

In a short visual I saw a wrist band in a crack in the form of a sideways figure eight.

The second confirmation I was asked to ask again and I received nothing.

The third confirmation I was asked to ask the question again and I did, this time immediately I though the word "sigils" in my mind.

So the response I have received thus far is the infinity symbol of the sideways figure eight in the form of a wrist band and the magick of sygils. I am not sure if the crack the wrist band was I has any significance or not.

I thought today's progress was worth publishing.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mixed meditation

Today was listening to Tom Kenyon and some of the boxed nirvana lasted about 50 minutes.

Old hag 10:00
Old wall dingy paint a knotted wooden stick or pole hung above the window
Old darker wood table with a brass or gold metal sticking off to side off it

Daughter in the hallway with a rainbow colored jacket and a rainbow colored hat

Two flat white boxes almost like the size of a mini DVD player with knobs on it and digital digit read outs. Numerical LED. One on top of the other and the top one was slightly out of alignment with the bottom one.

There's more but I can't seem to retrieve it. If I do later I'll edit this post.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lucid dreaming with help of modern alchemy

I just found out zptech now has a new lucid dreaming bundle. This bundle is claiming to make lucid dreaming an easy achievement for anyone via there new product.


Want to live in your own little paradise every night? Lucid dreaming is an exciting concept that has allowed people throughout history to take control of their dreams, providing extraordinary entertainment and incredible benefits.
Remember that frustrated feeling you get when your alarm wakes you up from a good dream? How does having a great dream you are in control of each night sound?

Lucid is a powerful new Alchemy. A precise combination of Gold, Silver, Platinum, Rhodium and Ruthenium that is a powerful enhancer of day time awareness, increased consciousness, memory recall and memory writing. Lucid is even more powerful during the sleep sessions of the day. Stimulating consciousness during REM cycles of sleep to assist in achieving Lucidity.

The Lucid Bundle contains:
1- gram LUCID powder
2- Oz LUCID Liquid
1- Lucid Dream Journal
1- “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” book from World Authority on Lucid dreaming Stephen Laberge

A lucid dream guide is provided online here (Link to LUCID dream guide)

Usage instructions- 
LUCID liquid and powder are best used in tandem. Within 3 hours of sleep, take ¼ full dropper (1/8th Tea Spoon) and one “hole punch” size (.03grams) of powder. Ingest product orally or mix in favorite beverage.

*The use of alcohol is not recommended for use with LUCID as alcohol may reduce or eliminate the enhancements of LUCID.

I am going to give it a shot and post my results here. You can make comments on this post so if you try the bundle please come back to this post and comment on it and let your results be known.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black mirror scrying

Black mirror scrying

I have discovered what is called black mirror scrying. It allows one to peer into the spiritual and astral realms. After doing some reading on it I decided to try it my self. So I set out to first make my black mirror. I went to walmart and bought a 8X10 black photo frame and a can of flat black spray paint.

I took the glass out of the photo frame and cleaned both sides of the glass with vinegar and then spray painted a layer of black paint on one side of the glass. I let the first coat dry for about 30 minutes and the repeated with a new layer of black spray paint again. I did 4 applications and then let it dry overnight. 

The next day I placed the painted side of the glass to the back of the photo frame. So when you look at the glass you are looking through the non painted side. After putting it all back together I cleaned the glass one more time. I got a nice plush black towel and wrapped my new black mirror up in it until I was ready to use it.

Later at night when the sun set and the moon was out, I attempted my first black mirror scrying session. I unfolded the black towel and laid it open on my table and stood my black mirror on it. Then I lit two white candles and placed one candle on each side of the black mirror. I made sure neither candle was visible in the mirror its self. I then turned out the lights and lit an incense cone and closed my eyes.

I visualized a white light coming from my crown chakra and filling my body. After a few minutes I opened my hands and held them in front of me as if I was holding and invisible ball. I then imagined the white light leaving my body and forming into a white ball in my hands. Then I pushed the white ball of light into my black mirror and envisioned the white light engulfing and filling the mirror. This process is called charging your black mirror.

Once my black mirror was charged, I proceeded to gaze into my black mirror. At first nothing happened but I continued gazing and relaxing more and more trying to achieve a deeper trance state. After awhile I could see my face change. My face was no longer my face, it changed into many different faces staring back at me. It was a little shocking at first but when I just went with the flow it no longer was a big deal. I just watched as a new face appeared every few seconds.  It was really hard to hold facial images any longer than a few seconds before a new one would appear. I saw many different faces that evening. Even faces that were of different ethnicity, human faces with certain animal features and some faces that I could say reminded me of alien and human features combined. My first session was truly captivating.

The next day I attempted another black mirror scrying session but didn't have as much success as my first attempt. I saw only a couple faces this time and they were hard to materialize. I believe I was to tired and fatigued that night to hold a good trance. I will try again tonight if opportunity arises.

I will keep you updated on any new successful attempts.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recent meditation

Last night I listened to some theta wave sound tracks and did a mediation session before bed. This time I was mediating with a new tabby crystal in my left hand.

Red, yellow, green and blue.

That's really all I remember, I believe I dozed off. However when I came around those colors were fresh on my mind.

This morning i did another mediation holdimg the tabby crystal and i listened to tom kenyon dimensional attunement of the pineal and the a whole boxed nirvana sessiion. Only thing i really remember seeing was a white background with a dodecahedron in it. If my vision was a tv screen it was located in the lower right hand side. The background was white and the dodecahedron had colors running through it. There was a distinct pattern of color shapes and colors. However I cannot recall them. The patterns on the dodecahedron almost remind me of circuit board etchings. Other than that there weren't many visuals I can recall. There were a couple times I felt very strong vibrations that came and went quickly. Was really hoping for an obe but nothing came of the vibrations.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A dream to remember

I dont usually post dreams but this one seemed more of a vision or informational session than a mere random dreame scape. So I thought I would share with everyone.

I had a very unusual dream last night. I was a viewer of a type of war being waged on a planet, unknown if it was our own planet or some other planet. However what I did know was the war was not a traditional war such we know war, it was way more advanced. I was there observing but yet did not physical exist, I was more a point of existance only. I was high in the sky watching these war events take place from above. The last part I remember must have been the most important I guess. From my skyward view I could see different parts of the ground light up in a triangle or pyramid type shapes. The pyramid type shapes were energizing to reach critical mass. I could feel the opposing party did not want these pyramid ground shapes to fully energize and knew the opposing party was trying to stop this from happening. However each pyramid site fully energized and once they did each site released a blast of triangle shaped black matter that shot into the heavens. The war was over and you could feel the energy left in the air.

I was then taken down to ground level to one of these pyramid power sites. I was told these site are the power source for all energy things wheather it is magickal works or scientific or anything else all power is derived from these sites. The energy pyramids 32 degrees has been around since the beginning always. It allows for universal communications and knowledge base access.

I then remember I was left at the pyramid site and placed on a floor made of crystal which had a person inside the crystal sheet. The person was more like a computer based avatar than a real person. I asked the person questions and there was never a response. The only thing that happened was when I asked the questions the computer avatar would flicker, pulsate and vibrate to my voice during the time i was talking. I remember trying to get knowledge from this crystal sheet but couldnt do it. I even tried grabbing handfuls of information a trying to place it in my head. Nothing worked.

This dream was very real and it stood out when I woke up. The only thing I lost in wake was understanding. When I was being told about the universal energy that is available from these sites and how it powered all things magickal and science alike, I did fully understand at the time. I remember the feeling of , "It all make since now". However in my waking state I did not retain the understanding of what was told to me only the fact that it was explained to me and i did understand at the time it was explained to me. Maybe somewhere deep in my subconscious the information is still there.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tom kenyon

After receiving the impression to listen to some Tom Kenyon tracks, I did so. I listened to the 23rd psalms and the. About 45 minutes of other Tom Kenyon tracks. No scenery was picked up but there was a lot of symbolics today.

Images below

Symbols received during Tom Kenyon meditation

Today's meditation

Today I listened to Hemi sync intorduction to focus 12

Saw two different lotto tickets, one was kinda white and the scratch area was gray with darker images on it, I do not remember then other one.

Saw a symbol of a half circle connected to a line, open face of the half circle facing out to the right.

Saw my daughter holding a cell phone or cell phone cover with a playing card taped to the back of it. I can not remember the playing card.

Got the impression to listen to Tom kenyons 23 psalms track

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Today's Meditation

Use the Hemi sync free flow focus 10.

strong impression of 34 then 35. Lungs are power and some books were lined up with information on them but I was seeing them from behind.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Recent meditation /posted late/

Listened to Hemi sync track 2 and track 3 introduction to focus 10 and advanced focus 10.

I seen a calendar with the bottom displaying boy 12 or boy 17 not sure which. A small height but longer width window with a see through white curtain on it. Some how i created a large ring over a building and it floated down the city. Seen a tall building with purple light emanating from a row of small windows at the top of the building. Was in a parking garage I look out and seen a large item on the ground with rotated slowly. The item was either egg shaped or two curved up bars forming a egg shape. I remember in the parking garage a guy with black pants, white shirt and black thick nerdy frame glasses on urgently coming towards me saying I will get that. Also there was a point when I was moving down what seemed to be a cement sidewalk or pathway and I remember as I was moving forward seeing small dots forming the texture of the walkway which made me believe it was cement. Then a pattern developed to the left of the walk or pathway. It was kind of a interwoven line pattern.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today's medItation

Today's meditation was listening to Hemi sync track two introduction to focus 10:

I saw a mans face in a mirror and it looks like a light was shining on the mirror so his face was kinda illuminated and kind of shadowed. I did not recognize the face and it was not mine.

I also so a man in a suit, with really curly hair and a cheesy smile removing his sun glasses.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New symbols

Here is updated symbols I have sketched out from my recent meditations:

symbols from meditations

symbols from my meditations

symbols from my meditations

Today's meditation

Today's meditation was with about 45 minutes long while listening to boxed nirvana.

Saw a tan van in a parking lot with a long dark window
Saw an ATM machine ?
Symbols I seen today was three smaller triangles in a triangle formation. A large V with a circle at the top in the center. And a circle with a lot of triangles coming out if the surface, almost resembles a sun. (uploading new images today of recent symbols)

Also a lot of scenery from stores. A lot of random isles and a lot of large doors.

There was also some numbers I remember wanting to remember but now I can not remember what they were.

I also noticed today that a lot of the still scenery seemed like it was being illuminated but a light source.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Images of things I saw

Here are a collection of things I have seen during my meditations. I am NOT an artist so they lack great detail. Some things I have seen are beyond my drawing capacities so they are no included.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Any questions on any of them feel free to message me.

Today's meditation

My meditation today was done listening to hemi sync intro to focus 10

entered a long skinny empty white room and had the thought of no Tim and no cupcake?

Saw a interesting fancy looking V with the left half white and the right half dark.

Brief glimpse of a curb and a part of a road.

Saw a few shelves of possibly computer monitors briefly.

Seen the time 11:44

Seen a crescent moon 

Saw this before and seen it again to. Its like the shape of an upside down Y with the Y made of some shiny metal and some wire sticking out of each end of the Y and connected to a circle. (I posted a drawing I made of it)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The gray alien

Photobucket Pictures, Images and PhotosI was thinking about the gray aliens for some reason yesterday. What if the gray beings that people report seeing and interacting with are not actual beings? What if the gray it's self is just a biological machine which allows a point of consciousness or other entitity, though form, spirit or other being that does not have physical pressense in this dimension to enter this gray vehicle and have an exsistance in this dimension. The gray machine would allow it to be able to exist in our dimension/focus level or vibration level during it's occupancy of the gray machine body.

So if something happens to it while physically manifested via the gray body it just goes back it's original form and then gets another gray body and comes back to continue its work. Just as if you where going on a trip and crashed your car and you finished your trip with the rental car, lol. Same concept.

 Much like a medium and allow a spirit or other nonphysical being to use their body as a vehicle to speak and act through.

Sorry for the random thoughts just wanted to share.

Possible obe or dream thereof

Dream or OBE?

Today I had to get up early for an appointment so last night was an early to bed night. Around 9 p.m. I prepared for bed. Knowing that I had to be up early I took an ambien (10 mg) and went to bed. I listened to the holo sync track one the dive. Frustrated i was still awake I went and took half another ambien (5 mg) and came back to bed and then listened to Hemi sync focus 10 exploration sleep track. I dozed off a couple times and eventually turn it off. I turned to my side and rested for a bit and then heard a loud buzzing in my ears and then my face felt a vibration and the vibration slowly went from my face to my whole head then down through my body. After a minute I was able to role out of my body. I walked away from my bed towards the bedroom door and I remember seeing my dog on the floor. I was curious if he could see me but I don't remember if he could or not. When I got to my bedroom door I tried to see if I could push through it but could not so I opened the door with the door handle. I walked out of the bedroom and headed outside which i was standing in my driveway. I remember looking up in the sky for the moon and when I found it I was trying to jump up in the sky to fly to the moon. But all I could do was jump not even high let alone fly to the moon. This was all I remember.

Now the reason I don't know if this was an actual obe or a dream of an obe is because when I take my ambien I remember all my physical activity at night like a dream. For instance I take my ambien and goto bed and the next day I wake up and think that's weird in had a dream I made scrambled eggs but then go into the kitchen only to find a pan that had eggs scrambled in it, lol.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Meditation today

Almost an hour with boxed nirvana playing and here is what I can recall. Today was hard to remember everything as there was a lot of random apparently non connected flow.

White flowing curtain
Someone standing looking at the curtain
Symbol like a sideways F
Big cards that unfolded and had symbols on them but I can't recall the symbols they faded after they were read off the cards.
Symbol of a crescent moon
A tube filled with white energy or light with dark caps on each end.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today's meditation

Ok today I listened to the boxed nirvanan track and did about a 55 minute session. I seen a piece of paper witb the gold letters deiver written on it at the top. I have no idea what that means. A desk later on. Then an old lady I don't recognize buzz by me. That is about it. Meditations lately hasnt been very exciting with the visuals. I hope this changes soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Minor progress?

Today was a very long Mediation sessions. Almost two hours actually. I started by listening to the boxed nirvana track in it's entirety. Other than relaxation and random abstract images nothing really at this point. iTunes quickly picked up some tracks that I had recently listened to. I just followed whatever played. A brief belief expansion track player about 5 minutes long. Then it went into Hemi sync wave 6 - odyssey track one, which is sensing locale 1. At the point of him taking you from focus 10 to focus 12 around the 11 count mark something happened. I am not sure how to describe it. It's as it my head was a rocket that was just setoff blasting toward and a slight change in the darkness. I also felt a noticeable heat in my head. This whole thing only last maybe 5 seconds then went away. I continued with the track and even listened to the second track hoping the same thing would happen when it took you from focus 10 to 12 but it didn't happen. By this time even though i really did not have much body awareness I could start to detect aches coming on from being in the same position for so long. So I ended the session.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Holo sync

I am starting the holo sync series as well and tonight will be my second listen to the dive. Supposed to listen to just this track for the first 14 days. I am still using the Hemi sync series as well.

Yesterdays meditation

I was meditating yesterday with boxed nirvana playing and towards the end of an hour long session I  start getting thoughts of a wire pyramid with crystal points wire wound something cobalt hematite and electric current then eye of horris, a crook and an ankh and a few other things. After ending the session my nose started gushing blood. Was weird.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Obe only a dream

Ok I was lying in bed and closed my eyes. Then started counting backwards from 16 relaxing even more with each breath and each count backwards. I got to around 8 and felt vibrations and heard almost a freight train sound. Then I could see the wall but my eyes were closed yet I could still see. I was questioning weather I really had my eyes closed so I open them and snapped out of it. My eyes were closed but I could see right through my eyelids like they were open. So I started the count again and once again around the 8 count I got the vibrations and the loud noise and vision through my eyes. I was thinking this is it I need to get out so I rolled and part of my came out but I couldn't get the rest to roll out. I struggled hard and pulled on the edge of the bed and more of me came out. I could now reach the night stand I pulled more and after a lot of struggle I fell out of my body onto the floor. I was out! I stood up and though I did it, I finally did it. So I turned so I could see my body lying there and when I looked there was no me. Then I realize I must of dreamt it but now I was awake. But then I actually woke up again to realize I was just dreaming about the dream. So I was dreaming "that I was dreaming" that I was in obe!?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not much

Did a little over an hour meditation today. after nothing much happening on it's own, I imagined a pyramid scene. Immediately I seen a cresent moon float over the pyramid and the whole thing disapeared. I believe I saw a stick will like glowy carvings on the end of it. Was to faint and fleeting to make out. And finally towards the end I saw a huge screen float in front of me. Like a movie screen at the theater bubt nothing was on it and it disappeared. After this I quite.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brow chakra

Yesterday while driving to eat, my head started feeling floaty or baloony. Then I felt pressure between my eyes like someone has there finger almost touching your forehead but isn't. Also noticed colors seemed really vibrant such as stop lights and what not. I was told this is e brow chakra when I asked. I have felt this before during meditation but never fully awake while driving, that was just weird. After arriving at the restaurant and getting out of the car it went away.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Further advancement into hemi

Last night went to sleep listening to the Brainwave entrainment lucid dream tracks set the last track to loop. Around four hours past and it seemed like I nerve slept? I turned it off and went to sleep.

Woke up early today and made a lot of progress with the Hemi sync ! I went through track 5 but wasn't asleep on the part where you were supposed to be asleep. So I advanced to track 6 and did the free flow. Then I went to wave two track one and did the intro to focus twelve. I still felt like doing more so I went to wave three and did the track one, lift off.

Other than completion nothing really notable to write about.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interesting dream and focus 10 session

Completed another round of wave 1 track 2 of Hemi sync last night nothing really. Listened to brainwave entrainment delta wave tracks for around 20 minutes. Fell asleep listening to the brainwave entrainment lucid dream tracks.

Not sure if this was lucid or not. Not the standard dream, this felt like I was watching a scene from a movie but actualy being in the scene as an invisible observer as it happens. This was and ancient room inside something old. Very dark but what stocks out the most was a wall a stone wall. There was two men working on the wall attaching shelf like objects for illumination purposes. I do not know if these were ancient people in an ancient room or modern people in a ancient room. I also do not recall if the lighting being installed was modern or ancient as in torch vs. Lightbulbs. The guy on the left side of the wall was trying to hang the light ledge about 7 feet up but having problems with the wall crumbling and the second guy was up higher on the right climbing and his foot went through a stone decorative panel. The second guy came down to see what his foot went through. I watched as he knocked away the rest of the crumbled decoration to reveal something behind the wall in a little alcove. He picked it up and held it to examine it. It was like a small pyramid made up of small blocks that rotated. Each side of the blocks had letters and some had symbols. You could move the blocks in the pyramid thing to make different combinations of letters and symbols. When I seen what it was I said to my self, "oh my, they just discovered _______!" the blank is what they discovered, I do not remember what it was now but in my dream I knew exactly what it was and was surprised they discovered it.

Early waking I layed back down and listened to Hemi sync wave one track 3

Never clicked out but see the word nredom one letter was off but realized it was spelling modern ? Also remember strange symbols nothing recognizable and they were floating.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starting the Hemi-Sync series + Boxed Nirvana

Ok last night made it through Wave 1 - Track 3,4,5 and 6 and then proceeded to Wave 2 - Track 1 which I made through a portion of and ended up falling asleep. Nothing really happened per se during the Hemi-Sync work last night.

Dream wise the only thing I remember is being in a building and going into a bathroom with some members of my family and noticing that the floors of the bathroom had big planks missing all over the place. The missing planks revealed the lower level which did not seem to fit with the locale but never the less you could see the next level. I remember walking over the missing planks warning my family members to be careful as they moved around. Then I was peeing in the urinal and I remember a "worker" for wherever we were was up high on a ledge over the urinal doing holding something in his hand and looking at us?

Today when I woke up I let the dog out and came back to bed and turned on the Boxed Nirvana track and proceeded to listen. Again nothing profound with that either. No auditory or visual feedback. I do however think I felt my heart chakra activate somewhere around the 55 minute mark. I felt like my heart was beating really hard and then calmed down but could still "feel" my heartbeat in my chest where as before I could not. This lasted about three to five minutes maybe. I ended up ending the recording and getting up shortly after this.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Starting the Hemi-Sync series + Boxed Nirvana

Last night I was very restless again while trying to concentrate. However I was able to make it through Phase 1 - Track 2 and Track 3 completely. Nothing unusual happened there was some images all abstract.

Last night I downloaded another program that I found a link to on a forum.  It is called "Boxed Nirvana" and is a auditory signal inducement type file. It claims to help balance the chakras and induce OOBE. This morning when I awoke I let the dog out and went back to the bed. I put on my headphones and tried this new Boxed Nirvana track. It is about and hour long and I listened to it almost all the way through. I turned it off about 10 minutes early I believe. While listening to it I felt very relaxed and did have interesting visual experiences. White formless blobs appeared and disappeared promptly.

After turning off the recording I decided to just lye on my side and relax and see if I could achieve anything. After a bit I started seeing several things in my mind. I remember someone opening a big window and I felt like I was to go through it but did not. I remember seeing several smaller movie screens or maybe large canvases that did not have anything on them that I could recall. There where a few more scenes that occurred but I cannot recall them right now. A little bit later the last I remember was viewing a bowl or cup that was up higher and I remember it started falling and suddenly my body jerked violently and then I just sat up in my bed after that. I never fell asleep during these events I was completely aware.

Starting the Hemi-Sync series

Started the wave 1 series last night of "the gateway experience". Went through the track one and two completely. On the part of the meditation where your body was asleep and your mind was awake, well my body was still way awake. Legs were really restless and was hard to concentrate because I couldn't keep my legs still to concentrate. Took a ambien and hit track three again still had the restless legs and eventually fell asleep sometime during track three.

Had a lot of dreams but cannot recall any.

The next day (today) I had a really good energy feeling all day.

Going to go into wave one again tonight starting with track two. Will see how far I get without falling asleep tonight.